Quotes from the white paper:
The withdrawal of Nimrod MRA4 and Harrier, as well as the reduction in size of the Tornado fleet, will mean that Kinloss and two other bases will no longer be required by the RAF. However, we have not made decisions on the future use of any of these bases. It is likely that some of the estate vacated as a result of the changes announced in this White Paper will be used by units returning from Germany or retained for other purposes."
remove Harrier from service in 2011
not bring into service the Nimrod MRA4
withdraw the three variants of the TriStar transport/tanker aircraft from service from 2013 as we transition to the more capable A330
reduce the role of the VC-10 transport/tanker aircraft to undertake air-to-air refuelling only, with the target of withdrawing it by 2013 as A330 enters service
withdraw the C-130J Hercules tactical transport aircraft from service by 2022, a decade earlier than planned, as we transition to the larger and more capable A400M aircraft
withdraw the Sentinel airborne ground surveillance aircraft once it is no longer required to support operations in Afghanistan