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Author Topic: Recap  (Read 4182 times)

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AirNav Support

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« on: March 09, 2008, 03:01:02 PM »
Hi all,

RadarBox 2008 was released 4 days ago now and we have had some great feedback as well some bug reports so this post is just to explain whats going on as there has been loads of posts and some customers have missed them.

If you haven't installed 1.4 (2008) the link is below:

1.3 Database to 1.4 (2008)

This will be coming soon, The new version will not overwrite your 1.3 (or later) database. Expect news in week or so.

Internet/Wireless Connectivity

So far a few customers have been affected by RadarBox locking up when there Internet or wireless connection drops (if you get a white screen this is a sure sign that has occurred). We are working on a fix to make RB more redundant to connection failures. Any other bug reports we receievd will be worked on and the update in a few weeks. If you are heavily affected by this we suggest temporarily using 1.3.

MyLog Database

Totally new system in RadarBox so if you have any feedback issues please send them to support so we can add them to the list. The MyLog database is very powerful but also will be used by customers in many different ways so we would be interested to know whether we have covered the bases allowing you to expand if you wish.


Overall RadarBox 2008 is looking great and we have had some great feedback. Thanks to all you customers for your feedback and we hope to continue to get requests and act apon them.

One last word, if you creating new posts in the forums check to see whether anything related is already in the forum and being discussed recently. It just saves having 16 topics on the same thing and its easier for us and you.

PS. If you are in the UK, make sure your external antennas are secure as the UK is in for a powerfull storm over the next 48hours.

Contact Customer/Technical support via:
[email protected]