CoastGuardian, Tarbat:
sure i have that red button but it does not work ;)- ie it behaves strange:
(1) if i start the application, connect to hardware and keep it operating for 2 minutes (52 planes recorded, 110messages/sec, no network flights) than it closes down via red button within some 5 secs. HDD is used but a little less than in case (2)
(2) if i keep software running for several hours (like i usually do) than it just cannot get closed!
it seems that it cannot be caused by the antivirus as it will check just the files and those are still used even if for some 200 secs.
I would suspect starange use of the databases: too much data written and too much data retrieved while not really needed. If it is just my case than i would have to have some parameters set to unusual values - but how? I have installed the software with defaluts!