Let's first wait for DaveReid's answer to:
"It would be strange to know DaveReid would be giving free access to FD7 users/SBS community and don't do the same with us."
After that we will continue our discussion.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Flight>
<Callsign>Shuttle 9J</Callsign>
- <Leg>
- <Origin>
<Country>UNITED KINGDOM</Country>
- <Destination>
<Country>UNITED KINGDOM</Country>
www.flightroutelookup.comThis information is hereby placed in the public domain and may be freely used without attribution by any individual or ORGANISATION.AirNav, if you'd like to tell me what part of that statement you don't understand, I'd be delighted to explain it to you.
Having said that, don't you dare try to pass the buck to me, or indeed to any other third party, for the abysmal quality of your flight routes database and the failure of your "fix".
We are your customers, you aren't ours.