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Author Topic: continuous rotation high gain antenna  (Read 21829 times)

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Re: continuous rotation high gain antenna
« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2011, 04:54:57 PM »
hallo,i have a skysearcher that i bought from moonraker. i was puzzled by the fact that the whole of the aerial seems to be one big short and bottom of the dipole along with the reflector all bell out just like it was made from one piece. how can this be? i have made lots of aerials up in my workshop and i know a bit about them but the skysearcher has me stumped. ok i said, maybe its some new design but i wanted to understand it so i emailed moonraker and all i got was some silly reply from a guy called justin. when i emailed again he said he would contact the makers in japan and get back to me. needless to say thats the last i heard from him.anyway, i put the aerial up and pointed it south with much expectation and was dissapointed that the planes were lost at about 100 miles!.with my home made whip i can get down to lasno which is about 185 miles from my location in, is the skysearcher faulty or is the design not that good. im not getting the gain that moonraker advertise. however, i might be doing something wrong, though what, i dont other point, a friend of mine who is a radar technician,a licenced ham and who has a vhf business licence does not understand this aerial either. i would welcome any views


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Re: continuous rotation high gain antenna
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2011, 11:17:06 PM »
I have never heard of this kind of antenna , drop me a line at the email address below and ill send you some plans for a good 9 Db colinear vertical ,I have made 3 of these and they work very well and easy to make if you have basic soldering skills.


[email protected]