Hi Southwest
Uptime Stats are maintained by an independent company, not us.
"Are you in a habit of shooting yourselves in the foot?"
We will not start an argument here. Check all your posts for the last weeks, 90% with negative comments. Don't you have something positive and interesting to bring to this forum?
"The USB lead is a known problem."
"These two publications are riddled with errors and inconsistences and at about £12 a pop, they are just not worth it."
"Am I wrong in suggesting that the map in question only shows the locations of RB owners "
"Then the live network feed goes from green to yellow and then yellow on ordinary network."
"Sorry, also meant to say NO network at all now!"
"If this continues, how do Air Nav plan to recompense everyone who is paying for real time network?"
"Can someone p0lease xplain whu one minute I have 1068 flights in my network flights, a second later that goes down to 257!!"
"But this 'wait for a big announcement' culture is hacking everyone off."
"So the announcement for this week is that we will have to wait for a few months for another one?"
"Please don't tell me that this was the 'major' announcement scheduled for this week."