"...Regarding this topic it is obvious not only for us but for most of our users that there is a forum on the web which was created with the support of our competitors with the single purpose of trying to damage RadarBox image and reputation..."
I think that that is a spurious, and mischievous lie, and unsupportable.
An alternative forum for all ADS-B hobbyists and users was set up purely to act as a voice for those who felt that they couldn't make useful and worthwhile comment on THIS forum without being banned or having posts summarily removed. That forum is independent, and it always has been.
At least on an independent forum, the merits and disadvantages for ALL available systems can be discussed without hindrance and threats of removal. The fact that Radarbox consistently attracts unfavourable comments, mainly due to the puerile attacks it makes on it's own customer base, I think is singularly down to Airnav.
I would also say that any criticism of Radarbox (or any other supplier) is usually as a result of a user or users becoming dissatisfied with the the service or equipment from that supplier, and for no other reason.
For what it's worth, I inhabit a world where complaints are handled with good grace, and legitimate criticsm accepted and acted upon, without the complainant being roundly ridiculed by the company and its adherents.
The only damage to the Radarbox name and reputation that I've noticed has been entirely instigated by itself, and the utter disrespect it shows for its users.