3) The network flights change every second that passes as certain flights timeout on the server as they leave range or someone stop running there software. Hence you can easily see 100+ change in flights from one second to another. We can view the network stat live here and they change rapidly at times within a few seconds.
As I understand it, all other things being equal (timeouts, live or delayed network, etc) then every network user should see their network flights total fluctuating around roughly the same
average value, particularly when compared over a longish period to eliminate short-term time phase differences. Only if user A is picking up significantly more (or fewer) local flights than user B should their network totals diverge by a corresponding amount over a period.
Incidentally, I may not be able to participate in this (or indeed any other) thread for much longer as I've had a helpful PM from AirNav Development in the last half hour telling me I'll be banned if I post any more database update information ...
Still, I'll have made somebody's day for them :-)