I just hope there's a robust process to convert my old SBS-1 database (6000+ aircraft) into the new SQLite database! Hey, I'm even willing to beta test that process ;)
It seemed to work fine for me.
MyLog/Import/Import from SQB and choose BaseStation.sqb
In fact tarbat, if you do an sql query on that MyLog file I sent you - everthing prior to the release of V1.3 (October 07) will be an SBS sqb import :-)
Let me have some stats :-)
Edit: Ahhhh....., not sure which version of MyLog I sent you - I suspect it's just my smaller laptop 'gash' database.
Edited again: Just imported my laptop Basestation.sqb into my laptop RadarBox MyLog file. As I mentioned, the databases on my laptop are not my primary databases - MyLog started with 3340 aircraft and the import added 2084 aircraft of the 6920 in the BaseStation file (I ran BaseStation for over 12 months before I got my RadarBox). I'd expect a degree of duplication between to 2 databases, but I haven't compared them before and after - life's too short!