Ian K has announced that he has stopped supporting Airnav. He has taken down all the silhouettes in our size format. Whilst individual users can resize Ian K's SBS sized ones. Copyright infringement means that these resized ones cannot be published for the benefit of our community (new users will not know they even exist without heavy trawling of previous forum topics).
I again urge you to provide an update to your silhouettes package to include A149, BE45, EA40, G250 and G650 as a minimum. I have said before this should urgently be provided to users (including new users on the CD they recieve) alongside the updated D008.DAT and flags folders from Tarbat and Rod's full set of Logos (I am sure both the later will give you full permission).
If not for us loyal users, but for those new users pulling their new radarbox out of the packaging and then wondering why all the bizjets they pick up are not displaying silhouettes, the Bermudian aircraft have British flags etc.
We know you are urgently actively working on the database update issues, but can we get these small easily cured irritations as an earlier interim via a zip file.
Regards ACW