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Author Topic: Screen shots of Dublin, Ireland  (Read 21381 times)

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Screen shots of Dublin, Ireland
« on: February 03, 2008, 04:30:08 PM »
Hi all,

Attached a couple of screen shots from Dublin Airport, Ireland.

The first was at circa 22.00 hrs last night, when the arrivals were mainly using rwy 16/34 due to high winds. (Ordinarily only circa 7% of Dublin traffic use this rwy).

The second screenshot was from this afternoon, when the winds died down, and the traffic reverted to using their more usual approach on rwy 10/28. Rwy 10/28 appears to be the more commonly used rwy with circa 89% of traffic using it.

Looking fwd to Dublin becoming a real parrallel rwy system in circa 2011, when rwy 11/29 is extended and upgraded. ( a long wait i admit !!)


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« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 04:33:20 PM by Dub33 »