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Author Topic: Windows 7 Help  (Read 45034 times)

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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2010, 10:19:19 AM »
Nothing wrong with the software, more a Windows 7 issue.  Having said that, there are users here on Windows 7 without any problems.


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2010, 04:51:13 PM »
    I have 3.13 installed on two notebooks with Windows 7.  On the 64 bit version it installed no problems, on the 32 bit version, I had the problem noted above.  Both had User Account Control turned off and installed to the default directory.  After configuring everything the 32 bit version seems solid, no hangups, freezes, etc for almost a week now running 24/7.  This notebook is dedicated to Radarbox and only has a couple of programs installed at this time.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 04:54:32 PM by SpeedWagon »


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2010, 03:55:04 PM »
A reasonable number of people are having the same problems as I am, the only way I could get it to work is to install the 313 update to the 2009 software - All I am asking for is some acknowledgement from Airnav that they are working on it. Like it or not, Windows 7 is the way forward and Airnav can either fix a problem with a few machines now, or be faced with an increasingly frustrated user community in a few months - The purpose of these forums is for us to provide feedback for Airnav so they can continue to improve their products. I'm happy once it is running, and even suggested to a friend in the US he should purchase one. Airnav, I did send you a support request via email privately but havnt had anything back ?


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2010, 06:03:32 PM »
jonnyMarsh, you do seem quite determined to cereate a problem here where one might not exist - however, as I've not yet used Windows 7, what do I know?

RadarBox has been working very successfully for over two and a half years now and it's a little harsh to criticise AirNav because Microsoft have decided to launch another operating system.  You appear to be  asking AirNav to admit that a problem exists, without giving them the opportunity to fully investigate this.  If you have sent a support request in, then I'm sure that it will be looked into.

I'm glad that you have got your RB software sorted out in the meantime.  I didn't go down the Vista route, but I feel that I should start familiarising myself with Windows 7.  However, with 5 PC's and laptops running very well on XP and XP support guaranteed for quite a while yet, I'm still hesitating.  What's your advice?  Why did you go for Windows 7, was it a new PC or an upgrade?

I've run the Windows 7 upgrade advisor software on my main PC (about 3 years old now?) and it gives me a whole load of horror stories, including possible incompatibility of the graphics card.  I think that my best route would be to buy a new PC with Windows 7 already installed, but do I really need another PC ....... ?



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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2010, 11:53:30 PM »

There was an issue with the support system and emails which meant some people weren't getting our emails, this has now been resolved. Rest assured we do read the forums and we do update software and are aware of this issue and it will be worked on for the next update.

However there is an easy fix, run RadarBox as administrator, right click on the icon and select run as admin. You may need to enter as demo mode and set your home details, exit and then run as admin and connect as normal and everything should be ok.
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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2010, 11:58:35 PM »
jonnyMarsh, you do seem quite determined to cereate a problem here where one might not exist - however, as I've not yet used Windows 7, what do I know?

RadarBox has been working very successfully for over two and a half years now and it's a little harsh to criticise AirNav because Microsoft have decided to launch another operating system.

Hi Allocator,

As, by your own admission, you have not even used Windows 7, I am surprised that you appear to imply JohnnyMarsh could be creating problems by reporting his experiences of using ANRB on Windows 7. The majority of his posts seem to be factual reports, nothing more and nothing less. Although you mentioned "criticsm" of Airnav, I have re-read the posts and cannot find any.  As he is actually a  Windows 7 user it might be wise to keep an open mind on his posts.

As for Microsfot introducing a new operating system, I'm sure you will agree that Microsoft leads the industry, and in short (though I may not like it), we all have to follow what they give  us - or go to Mac, or even go  Amish (I am tempted sometimes!).  Fact is Microsoft will not re-design their operating system to accomodate conflicts with s/w such as ANRB, thus ANRB must comply with the Microsoft operating system - that is assuming they wish to sell the product to the Windows 7 market. I'm sure you'd agree with this.

All the best


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2010, 12:13:45 AM »
Just to clarify, the admin issue is common issue to 1000s of applications running on Windows 7 and Vista. Its unfortunately a common factor nowadays which Operating Systems being more security conscious and requiring users to allow further access per applications. This is something the users will have to learn not for us to circumvent all the time.

I suspect Allocator last post was also in reply to jonnyMarsh earlier post where he thought RB should have kept it settings even though a forced restart took place. A forced restart when software is running will cause all sorts of problems to any software.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 12:15:33 AM by AirNav Support »
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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2010, 12:35:58 AM »
Couldn't agree more Airnav - the admin issues are a pain in the proverbial. Hopefully any ANRB users experiencing problems on Vista/7 are related to that, and nothing else.

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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2010, 06:25:28 PM »
I decided to use Windows 7 as it actually offers a faster and in my opinion better user interface, it runs much quicker on my hardware - my personal preference would be an OS X version, but I suspect there is not enough demand for what would be probbably a niche version, so I'm happy to run it on windows.

Where I was trying to make a point is that I am a competent technical user (I was a beta tester for Windows 3.1 - that ages me !) and I am concerned that after a wallet which is £400 lighter, that I have problems with software which should just run - I'm raising this issue in these forums for 2 reasons, primarily so that Airnav can address and fix the problems, but also for the other users to be aware that they are not the only ones with these problems.

Windows 7 is here to stay, its nice, embrace it you might be suprised, if you dont want to XP is also fine and stable. I'm not here to cause arguments or get into a slanging match - life is too short and I have too much else to do - when airnav works, everyone gets some additional coverage from my area of the country which seems to be lightly served - its in everyones interest for our stations to be reliable.

Incidentally, I will post elsewhere on how I put together an antenna for about £70 which quadrupled the number of aircraft I can see - I believe forums are about increasing the sum of our knowledge through sharing.


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2010, 06:34:07 PM »
All noted Jonny - I do remember saying as a MSDOS user "Why do I need Windows when I can do everything I want with DOS"

OK, I might have been a little out there - but Vista was here to stay too - and now it's going - lol

I think that I need to get a new PC with Windows 7 pre-installed so that I'm starting with a clean slate.  I do think that Windows 7 will be around for a while :-)


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2010, 03:35:06 PM »
Just loaded RB on my new Win7 Laptop. All workin ok apart from trying to change anything in the preference boxes, whatever resolution/text size I try it will not show all contents. I am unable to save my personal preferences, has anyone else had this prob and if so has it been resolved? i am unable to resize the sub windows either.


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2010, 03:56:25 PM »
Just loaded RB on my new Win7 Laptop. All workin ok apart from trying to change anything in the preference boxes, whatever resolution/text size I try it will not show all contents. I am unable to save my personal preferences, has anyone else had this prob and if so has it been resolved? i am unable to resize the sub windows either.

Almost certainly one of 2 reasons:

- You are running the screen at a low resolution so the Preferences window is going off the screen - usually only a problem on a Netbook

- You have the Windows font set larger than 100%


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2010, 11:08:10 AM »
Hi Allocator.

Am running with 1600 x 900 resolution and font size 100pct.  The problem is I cannot adjust the size of the preference boxes to change anything like map colours etc. The keyy buttons are off the screen. My Rb is working fine just can't amend anything on the screen which is very annoying. Have contacted support but they haven't got back to me yet, maybe too busy with 3D queries.


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2010, 11:22:41 AM »
Maybe a screenshot might help us understand the problem.  At 1600x900 and 100% font size, all the Preference dialog box should be visible.


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Re: Windows 7 Help
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2010, 02:05:54 PM »

Thats a bit difficult because the system wont let me take a screen shot without closing the preferences window down first. To give some idea of what I get, on the map colours window I can only see three of the four columns of colours and at the bottom can just see 3/4 of import button. Cannot resize this window.