that's a great location, you get all the flights in and out of EGLL and those going up the NW corridor too - very lucky.
Yeah it's a great location and has served me well over the years for many things RF related especially for things like TV & FM reception and when I dabbled in 27MHz back in the late 70's-early 80's.
Actually my range reaches a bit further than EGLL and the NW corridor ;^)
See attached screenshot showing my Polar Diagram taken just now when there were only 160 aircraft showing in MyFlights.
I'm a little deaf to the West and lose contact with aircraft on the approach to EGLL @ 1000ft but I'm not complaining as I usually see @ 2,500-3000 unique Mode-S aircraft every day!
As people say its all about location, location, location! ;^)
Kind regards,