Shielding issue . . . .
Through trial and error, I have discovered that it is the USB cable that is being affected.
Get this: when I turn off my PC desk light, the box changes from a steady green to the blinking blue. This does not happen every time I turn off the light, but it happens enough times for me to say, with confidence, that it is the cause. The light is plugged into the same power strip that my PC and other components are plugged into.
Questions: I don’t know too much about electricity, so can someone explain to me how this can happen, especially since Radarbox is not plugged into the outlet (obviously). And why wouldn’t it happen ALL the time when I turn off the light??? It's almost like it's a static issue which, ironically, was the initial reason I began this thread.
More importantly, I need some help and guidance in finding a “shielded” USB cable that will connect and work successfully with Radarbox? Can someone please provide a link on the Internet or give me the name/place of such a cable so I can buy one? It is not practical for me to plug the light into another wall outlet. I need a shielded cable.
Who has purchased one who also uses a power strip for their components?
I think the issue has been diagnosed, thankfully.
Now I need the medicine. . . .