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Author Topic: Display of trails bearing/distance/flightlevels/ use of Antenna amplifier?  (Read 20295 times)

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Hi everybody

is it possible to show flight trails or lets say a function `trails on screen/no trails on screen`(just for the live antenna receiving area)?

Can we see bearing/distance from the home receiver location to a selected flight when we are in a nearby homelocation radius screen?

I like to use a outdoor antenna with longer cable. So have you made tests with outdoorantenna and an 1090amplifier? ...stronger signal doesn`t matter to the box or could it be that a stronger signal made the receiver overload?

Is it possible to share local antenna received realtime data via a house network to another room in the house where only the software is running as a client on another pc? Btw. is this house networkfunction also available after the first year without paying?

Do you plan to implement a sreen in the near future where the flights (of a defined radius of view) are shown in different flight levels (flightlevel view)?

Thank you for your support.

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Yes you can turn off/on the the trails. No there is no bearing or distance given to a specific aircraft, we were trying to keep it as close to what ATC would see.

Regarding the preamp, a preamp and external antenna will always improve the reception. I didn't find any case of overloading however will ask the hardware guys to be certain on that and get back to you :)

Real time data cannot be shared, even if its within the same home network.

The flight level view may be added in the future if we have enough interest in it. As in the past in other applications we have found this feature was rarely used.

Hope that helps.
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No there is no bearing or distance given to a specific aircraft, we were trying to keep it as close to what ATC would see.

Shame this is a good feature....

Cornwall, UK


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I find the use of the distance to bearing to be invaluable - whether it is available in "real" radar or not. It allows me to work out exactly where and in what direction I need to look to eyeball traffic on clear days.

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There is a radar ring overlay which basicaly has the compas overlayed on to the map so you can quickly indentify where the aircraft is.

What would probally be more helpfull is a bearing based on a user defined bearing, as you are not always facing North when at your pc. We will bear that in mind :)
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What would probally be more helpfull is a bearing based on a user defined bearing, as you are not always facing North when at your pc. We will bear that in mind :)

That is what I meant by my note. My current system has that - I have my current bearing set on the centre line of the local airport (in the drection I look out the window) so everything lines up on this location.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 04:17:49 PM by Roadrunner »