Hi David, I only lose lat/long from the aircraft in Myflights. When you scroll across to the end of the aircraft, everything is there except lat/long. I watched a flight today taking particular note of this. When the lat/long dissapears from the list it drops off the map and the globe dissapears. Its as if it loses the ADS-B part of the messages but the mode-s is still populated for the entire flight
Hmm, so you are saying that *only* lat/long disappears, if you still have GS and heading then the 112 bit packets are being received.
Can you capture some port 30003 output? Telnet should do it, then you can paste a bit here and no doubt Dave Reid can pronounce.
There is also a way of capturing the USB data, Google for USB Logger, it's freeware. That should then be definitive as to whether the correct bit pattern is received, each bit comes over USB as a byte where the bits are 8MHz samples with 00001111 and 11110000 as representations of the possible uncorrupted data bits.