So - do I keep it on and constantly check my info for unwanted changes or do I waste the updaters time?
Hopefully you won't need to do either soon.
We're promised a new release of the RadarBox software which will:
a) include a much more intelligent updating architecture so that changes you make locally aren't overwritten by older data from the AirNav server, and
b) feature a much more up-to-date database incorporating all the work being done by the updaters, so that there should be less need for you to make manual updates anyway
No sign of it yet, though ...
Totally back you on this one Dave!
It's frustrating to find a lot of info we're asked to check, is actually now (or indeed has been for a few weeks at least) on the central db, prior to the request coming in!
Equally frustrating to continually see threads crop up of this ilk, where there's still a lot of uncertainty and confusion surrounding the way records are maintained/updated
We've discussed this within the Updater team regularly,as we try to get to grips with the mechanics.
The comment made by Bearcat above is one possibility, but it really shouldn't have to get to this fiddly level, as I'm the first to admit to not being over confident in resorting to playing about with the records like this, and I'm sure countless other users aren't also!
Either a re-working of the architecture as you've mentioned above, or a facility to release a new db (as we've been working on) with continual updates at regular intervals (as is the norm with most of the major spotting db's out there) seems to us to be one possible way forward, otherwise it's going to be an ongoing problem, only resolved by completely flushing out one's db ever so often and let the updated info start to re-populate the users db as codes are picked up - not the best I'm sure you'll agree?
We have put our collective suggestions to AirNav, and they are currently being worked on.
Unfortunately we are not in a position to determine what solution will be forthcoming!
In the meantime, keep forwarding your observations and requests, and we'll keep adding/amending accordingly - after all, now the World Cup's finished, we've nothing better to do :-)