I'm interested in military.
So I have in my Quick filter Mode S > 43C*
Then select to sort on Mode S
Buy clicking on the top & bottom of list side pointing (!) arrows, I can move from UK to US military aircraft at the list ends. Not always at the very end but close enough to see.
Unfortunately a bug in 2.01 losses the sort on Mode S column at apparently random times, so you need to keep re-setting the sort.
Another bug: don't pass the cursor over the map as you will invariably pass quickly over an aircraft. That selects that aircraft as the new 'Selected Flight' and screws it up.
[The cursor should only select an object that the cursor pauses over.]
I also have ticked Mode S in my 'Alerts' and have three lines:-
When a military aircraft is in radio range, I hear a beep. There are a few problems with the alert pop-up, but they may not annoy you like they annoy me!
After a while you will learn how long to wait before looking outside for different types.