Well miracles do happen.
I generated a report late this afternoon to check the latest missing aircraft from the database. Now up to 190 a/c picked up in MyLogs since last Sunday.
Went out tonight, came back and printed the final log report covering todays MyLog. 681 a/c tracked and only 15 missings reg's/aircraf. That's very low compared to before.
Checked the Database Explorer and virtually all of the ones I was previously missing are now in the main database. I'll do a full check tomorrow.
What caused them to download and update the database after so long? It wasn't me - I've been out for 4 hours or more.
I'm happy but I'd really like to know how it happened so I can avoid such heartache again. This sort of thing isn't a confidence builder for a new user. That's said I still say it's a great set of functionality. Perhaps a little more stability and support could make it a real winner.