Right, well I have been investigating a bit more and found the following:
1) I downloaded an updated to the latest anrb.exe, this shows up as the same size and version as Tarbat and Allocator have, 2,437,008 bytes, but I do notice that RB itself shows the date of the file from when it was copied to the disk. In my case that's today, previously it was on 3rd October which is when I installed 3.06 beta. This is a recipe for confusion I think.
2) I now have the blue text banner at the top of the Network Flights tab with the click here for more info on the Real Time network message and the double click to hide permanently message. That's new, so even though I re-downloaded the full installer on 3rd October it didn't have the latest exe.
3) I am still seeing the highlighted aircraft on the map unhighlight within sometimes seconds of being initially highlighted. After sitting and watching for about half an hour I notice that this occurs at exactly the same time as the My Flights, Network Flights, Smartview, ACARS and Alerts tabs flicker, you can clearly see them blank and then repaint. The highlight never disappears if these tabs don't flicker, but they do so quite frequently, presumably as the lists within each of the tabs is being updated. I am running Vista SP2 on an Intel Core2Duo 1.73GHz laptop with 2GB RAM, so it's not a slow machine by any means.
I would seriously ask Airnav to find a way to identify a particular file version using a build number, here we have people with several different sizes of exe file, all of which identify themselves as 3.06. Please could we also have the separate exe files made available for download in zip files rather than as raw exe files, that way their time and date stamps will be preserved.
With the exception of the snags with selection and monitoring of specific aircraft generally things are working OK for me. The only other thing I've noticed being a bit problematic is the slow population of missing aircraft in the databases, I often look in MyLog and find a number of instances with just ModeS code and country, I then do a repopulate and close MyLog wait a while until all the photo/info requests are done and reopen it. Then I need to do another populate (which always states a larger number of requests than the first populate) before the new data shows up, but there are still some aircraft (N114EA is an example from today) that don't populate even though the correct data for them is found in GAS.
Right, enough from me for now....