We are very happy to announce that the beta testing for RadarBox 3D has just started.
First and until mid-Oct just inside our technical team. After that it will be available to our beta testing team. The application looks amazing. It is addictive even for us who spend hours daily during the last years looking at...RadarBox.
It is a totally different way of looking the airspace in real-time that not even controllers are used to.
The good news is that we are leaving a space for the enthusiasm and creativity of our users: just like users now create and share flags, silhouettes and airline logos you will soon start doing the same for 3D models and layers.
The application will have a folder where kml/kmz google earth compatible layers could be placed and read into the application. Real-Time Cloud Coverage, ATC Boundaries, etc, etc.
So our question is: what kind of layers should we place there by default? Does anyone of you have access to aviation specific layers for Google Earth? The more the better. There are hundreds of sites dedicated to GE layers on the web. It is better to have our users sharing their research with us than having us researching alone.
We are sure you will find something amazing. Try to focus on aviation and/or weather related layers pls. We will then try to create some screen shots with them.
And attached a screen shot created now with Speedbird 26 approaching London Heathrow in real-time. Hope you like it.