I disagree - there's a surprise :-)
Although I do occasionally watch traffic on the other side of the world, I'm usually watching traffic within 100 miles of my location so that I can listen to the radio chatter on my scanner. What the Network does for me is to give me enhanced coverage, especially coverage below my normal line of sight. Also, the new live network does mean that if I'm in a location where I can't get an antenna up - like in the office on mobile broadband - I can just watch Network traffic using the RB as a 'dongle' to make the software work. The only disadvantage is the 20 second update rate instead of the 4 second rate I normally use for live (antenna) traffic.
Edit: Here we go, 100% real-time Network traffic only, updating every 20 seconds :-) Hardware processing turned off. I could be in an underground bunker with an Internet connection and still see the same picture - lol