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Author Topic: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta  (Read 109913 times)

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Manuel Mendes

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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2009, 06:23:22 PM »
Another thing that happened to me.
I had a NavData.db3, more updated than the NavData present on version 3.06 so I had overritten the installed one (the present on v3.06)
I lost some aircraft details and updates and there are aircraf that I entered and now they're gone.
Don't know why but just to note.

The routes are still a problem but that is a fact that AirNav cannot be responsible for.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 06:27:49 PM by Manuel Mendes »


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2009, 07:22:11 PM »
- New/Updated AIRAC cycle: more than 100 thousand updated aviation database (airport, runway, VOR, NDB);

On this point I have some doubts on the veracity with regard to Portugal, as the aerodromo de Évora (lpev) which is the busiest in the country does not appear on the map, only the ICAO code, or the runway and the outlines do not appear. It would be too much to ask that someone to fix that error?



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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2009, 07:28:19 PM »
Hi Aerotower - I can't provide the runway centreline, but I can do an outline - watch the Outlines thread in an hour or two.

Looking on Google Earth and Wikipedia, it doesn'look like a busy airport - how come it's the "busiest in the country?



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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2009, 07:45:38 PM »
Hi Aerotower - I can't provide the runway centreline, but I can do an outline - watch the Outlines thread in an hour or two.

Looking on Google Earth and Wikipedia, it doesn'look like a busy airport - how come it's the "busiest in the country?

Hello Rod,

LPEV is not an airport, but an air-field and in air-field is based Aeronautical Academy of Europe(, with more movement than the air-field LPCS. It also has planes coming from other academy and other air-field's


Sorry my english
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 07:50:59 PM by Aerotower »


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2009, 07:52:24 PM »
Thanks for that, Aerotower.



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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2009, 09:56:32 PM »
     I noticed this issue while running 3.06. I started running 3.06 about 8p local. I run ANRB 24/7. All seemed well when I went to sleep night.  This morning, I checked my scheduled reports that run around midnight keeping an eye out for anything unusual in the log data. I did find something odd. According to my custom report that runs against MyLog.db3, there were no flights logged after 10p local. However, as I looked at screen in the morning all looked fine.  I also checked ‘my log’ from within the application and the grid showed that had I indeed logged flights since 10p and into the morning.

     So, I did a little more checking. I looked at the log file details using file explorer to see the last access times of MyLog.db3.   MyLog.db3 showed a last accessed of approx 10p. I then noticed that my MyLog.db3-joural file was being updated in real time and was up to 1mb in size. Normally the journal file is a few kb or 0 in size. ( My assumption is that the journal file contains the latest db transactions and is emptied after  they are written to MyLog.db3.).  Well, I did a File->Exit and then restarted. I checked the last access time of Mylog.db3 and it corresponded to the start time of the application. I made a copy of MyLog.db3 and ran my report  query using SQL Maestro.  All the data in the journal file had been written to MyLog.db3.

    I have been keeping an eye on the db files when I can today and it seems that the journal starts to grow approx an hour or two after restarting ANRB. I did not see this taking place in earlier versions. I have been running  3.02 since its release prior to the 3.06 version.

Anyone else notice this? (Although, it is a bit hard to detect unless you are looking for it)

Sorry for the long Post

--Steve in Southern California.
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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2009, 10:02:01 PM »
It could be that running your SQL report in SQL Maestro puts a lock on the MyLog database.  Radarbox probably then waits for the lock to be released, spooling to the journal.

I always close ANRB before doing anything in SQL Maestro - I've seen too many locked database messages to trust SQL Maestro to release it's lock.  Its why I asked Airnav to allow user-written SQL queries to be run from within Radarbox itself.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 10:04:07 PM by tarbat »


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2009, 10:37:22 PM »
It could be that running your SQL report in SQL Maestro puts a lock on the MyLog database.  Radarbox probably then waits for the lock to be released, spooling to the journal.

I always close ANRB before doing anything in SQL Maestro - I've seen too many locked database messages to trust SQL Maestro to release it's lock.  Its why I asked Airnav to allow user-written SQL queries to be run from within Radarbox itself.


I agree on the locking. However, I do try to prevent myself from putting a lock on the 'live' MyLog.db3 file. For example, I always make a copy of the Mylog.db3 file before running querries in SqlMaestro.  I also never run anything directly against the Mylog.db3 file that ANRB is accessing. In fact,  the nightly reports are run against a MyLog.db3 that is copied to a report directory by a scheduled task.

Maybe the copies causes issues?

However, the orginal issues started when there was no activity (copy or otherwise) against Mylog.db3

--Steve in Southern California


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2009, 10:58:51 PM »
A fresh install doesn't work.  So went back to version 2 and used the upgrade which installed OK.  I am still getting duplicate flight ID's on the My Flights list.  I currentky have 2 duplicates on the list.  Also the large area of nil coverage still exists.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Under the flight path, 5NM from runway 23L threshold at Auckland (NZAA), New Zealand.


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2009, 11:14:38 PM »
I currentky have 2 duplicates on the list. 

Interestingly they have different Mode-S id's

possibly some data corruption/weak signal somewhere...


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2009, 11:16:20 PM »
A fresh install doesn't work. 

What do you mean here?  The install wouldn't run, or it didn't solve your problem?


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #41 on: October 02, 2009, 04:18:29 AM »
A fresh install doesn't work. 

What do you mean here?  The install wouldn't run, or it didn't solve your problem?
I completely removed all radarbox software from the computer (including the registry keys).  Then did a reboot and installed v3.06b (full install).  It installed OK but hangs on the preferences window why you try to input your location, etc.

I then removed everything again and installed v2.0.  Then downloaded the upgrade to 3.06b which did work.  So something is amiss with the full installer/software.
Under the flight path, 5NM from runway 23L threshold at Auckland (NZAA), New Zealand.


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #42 on: October 02, 2009, 06:44:41 AM »
OK, haven't seen this.  I did a full install using the new exe and it ran with no problem.

I don't uinstall my old versions, I just rename the existing directory then do the full install to the default directory, then I can copy over my old database files and any other custom files I'm using.


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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2009, 06:59:24 AM »
I found the Mylog to timeout, yesterday the RB saved info upto 12am and then only resumed at 23h55 when I arrived home to check the data? the flights that were received at 12 were still on the screen?

Airnav, sure you beta testers would have picked this up in their 2month test?

This is a very basic problem, Im back to V2 now..
ps. I used the manual update file



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Re: RELEASED - AirNav RadarBox 2009 - 3.06 Beta
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2009, 07:28:39 AM »
Airnav, sure you beta testers would have picked this up in their 2month test?

Nope, never saw this happen during beta testing.  Plently of other issues that got resolved, but never saw this problem.