Please excuse me if this a dumb question, but does RB's removal of the 5 minute delayed feed make PP more or less desirable ?
I've been toying with downloading it, but my IT skills are certainly not at the levels of some on here - so please speak slowly :o)))
Y - E - S :-)
Now that AirNav have followed Kinetic and removed the delay in the data that RadarBox and SBS/BaseStation send to PlanePlotter, it won't be long before PP is able to offer a completely real-time network for a one-off fee.
And PP's other existing advantages (plotting non-ADS-B aircraft via multilateration, Google Earth integration, etc) will of course remain.
PP can be a little tricky to set up, particularly if you plan to upload to the multilateration network (which isn't mandatory) so joining the PP Yahoo Group, at least until you're up and running, is highly recommended.