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Author Topic: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06  (Read 4815 times)

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Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« on: October 13, 2009, 09:47:25 PM »
Yesterday I installed 3.06 onto my old desktop, while retaining 'out of the box' 2.01 on the main desktop.

On 2.01 the Radar Rings are always centered on 'Home', but on 3.06 they are not.

With 2.01, dragging the map (left click down and move) causes the map to move and the rings remain centered on Home.

With 3.06, dragging causes the map and home to move, but the rings remain centered on the displayed map's centre.

Is this a planned change?



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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 09:51:44 PM »
Hi Reg, I can't get 3.07 etc. to work at all, but have you been into File - Preferences, and checked the box to centre rings on Home location, as in 2.01?
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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 10:05:44 PM »
Thanks.  I now see that there is a preferences option for this in both versions.  2.01 has it ticked, but not 3.06.

I've not bothered in 2.01 to change options as they are not retained for next time.  Too much effort every time!

So either I did change it in 2.01 and that preference has been retailed, or the default has changed.  I'll investigate this more later.



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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2009, 10:50:23 PM »
Thanks.  I now see that there is a preferences option for this in both versions.  2.01 has it ticked, but not 3.06.

I've not bothered in 2.01 to change options as they are not retained for next time.  Too much effort every time!

So either I did change it in 2.01 and that preference has been retailed, or the default has changed.  I'll investigate this more later.


Probably worth noting that some settings are retained when you do a parallel install, others seem to be returned to the defaults. I have noted this in the beta thread, so I hope that it will have been noted and put on the to-do list.

Airnav, a bug ticketing system would be really useful.....


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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 12:56:01 AM »

Probably worth noting that some settings are retained when you do a parallel install, others seem to be returned to the defaults. I have noted this in the beta thread, so I hope that it will have been noted and put on the to-do list.

Airnav, a bug ticketing system would be really useful.....

I have deliberately only installed a beta version on another computer.  So my prime Windows computer still has 2.01.

Soon after I installed it, I noticed that the colour white for the 'Selected Flight' was the same as other objects.  So I changed it's colour.

But it's not retained until the next session.

As I had been reading about the 'Share Flight Data...' also not being retained, I guessed that most/all preferences (in 2.01) where not retained.

I agree that a bug ticketing system would be ideal.   But when is a bug a bug?

You, me, a programmer, the systems analyst and the boss at Air Nav all have different ideas.

I would argue that a preference that has had the 'Apply' actioned should be retained.  If 'Apply' (or 'Save', which is not provided) has not been actioned then it should only apply for the current session.



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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 06:36:01 AM »
Reg, in my experience, all of the preferences are remembered EXCEPT for the 'Share Flight Data' which is intentional, and sometimes the last colour scheme selected isn't remembered (a bug).

I'm guessing that you saved (exported) your V2.01 colour scheme so that it appeared in the scheme drop-down box.  If you did save the scheme, it's easy to copy this to your V3.07 installation.

A work around for the colour scheme not being remembered next time and if you don't want to have to select it from the drop-down menu, is to save it as the 'Real Radar' scheme which is the default that RB sometimes reverts to on startup.

The map colour settings are covered in the RB Help section and there is also a video on the AirNav website - changing and saving the map colours:

the videos are on YouTube too:


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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 08:48:14 AM »
My RB "sometimes" reverts to Real Radar but not all the time, which is illogical. Can't work out why!


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Re: Radar Rings and home not at same location on 3.06
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 03:52:23 PM »
Jeremy - this has been a problem for as long as I can remember, and Dev know all about it. I've given up and made a copy of my default.mcl, called Real Radar.mcl. That "solves" the problem!
