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Author Topic: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser  (Read 7501 times)

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Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« on: August 18, 2009, 09:18:39 PM »
Hi Group

Does anybody have any experience of the Radarbox Analyser which is an option with Aerodata software

I would like an opinion as thie website is not very explicit in what it can or cannot do

Any information welcome


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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 04:52:19 PM »
I have been using it for six months now and find it invaluable being located in North America where aircraft IDs are constantly re-allocated and AirNav do not (currently) have a system of updating such information in their Database.

It tells me the real type of aircraft, (because of the above, there are often errors) ,whether I have seen it previously, and it allows direct recording of a sighting into the Aerodata Database if desired. It occupies a small area, sitting on top of the AirNav screen. It is refreshed approximately every minute.

The only, but major problem, is that it often encounters OBDC database locked errors which require a shut-down and restart of AirNav to clear the problem. It is erratic, probably a factor of how busy your RB is; some days I may get one per day, other days 5 or 6. This problem has been passed onto Aerodata but until recently the owner has been busy with other problems this year. Once the  production RB Version 3 is released I will be requesting that he try and find a solution for what is otherwise an excellent companion to AirNav RB. The fact that after six months I am still using it regardless of the ODBC errors says a lot. I have become an expert at shutting down and restarting ANRB!!



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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 11:42:10 PM »
Hi Lennox

Just read your post as I've been away on hols!!

I posted a topic a month or so ago in response to another members request for info of the Aerodata analyser

I concur with GeoT above - I'd be lost without it to say the least, and also experience the same ODBC issues as quoted above

When I've more time tomorrow evening I'll dig out some other info regarding my pm response to the other forum member that gives more detail on Aerodata if you like?

Are you already using Aerodata, or viewing it as an option?

GeoT - is that you George???  If so good to see you on this forum,and I hope you tie up your other Tiger Moths!!!




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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 11:33:05 AM »
Have looked at this myself and would appreciate any info
15 Miles East of EGNJ


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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 08:03:54 PM »

Are you an existing Aerodata user?

It would be helpful to know, in providing more useful info to you?



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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 09:36:27 PM »

Noticed your reply

Any information on the Radarbox analyser would be welcome as their website is a bot vague as to what it can do (or not do)

I do not have the program yet and would welcome input




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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2009, 05:15:50 PM »
I would also appreciate any info - have been using Aerodata for 3 years or more and it would be a useful addition but as mentioned above the website is very vague as to what it can do / screenshots etc


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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 09:16:20 PM »
OK Chaps - here goes

I'm not saying anything different to the website basically with respect to what Aerodata does, so apologies if I'm speaking out of turn, but reckon it's more useful to give a users perspective.

I've been spotting for the best part of 35 years, and became totally fed up of going through the annual process of buying expensive registers,fleet lists etc etc which were immediately out of date,couldn't be updated, hence requiring manual or basic computerised records to record frames not listed etc etc - and then spending a good few monotonous months transfering data - also this way of recording didn't really facilitate the upkeep of when and where seen - I think you all get the jist?

Took the plunge with Aerodata about 7 or 8 years ago after seeing a demo at Waddington.

Basically is a powerful database with approx 1.5 million individual frames detailed, covering around 8 thousand types

For each record, it holds:

current and past reg details (date history)
con number/line number
full type details
any mods/re-build/disposal details
mode s code
ability to record all sightings
also has facility to enter your own notes ete etc

Logging can be done in a number of ways, either individually with reference to the reg or con number, by easy upload of excel spreadsheet, or more importantly, via the Radarbox Analyser - more of which later!

The database is kept up to date by picking up updates from the Aerodata website and loading them into the database - these updates very in frequency, but generally there are around 3 or 4 every week.
The updates are generally compiled by specific specialist editors, based on known changes or requests from users, who's info can be invaluable wrt sightings and base updates etc

The database is loaded from a cd, is easily backed up, and Aerodata have a very busy forum for users which is great to ask fellow users questions and get tech advice, much the same as this forum

all types have full production lists

other search functions are obvious,but cover

airport/field resident lists
airline/airforce fleet lists
individual country registers

ete etc

Can't really speak more highly of it - even before I purchased my RadarBox, Aerodata had totally changed my hobby for the better.

Now onto the analyser - as GeoT says above, the analyser is a relitavely inexpensive addon that enables the user to immediately see which "frames" currently being picked up in "my flights" have not been seen before, with reference to your loggings within Aerodata - this covers "paint-scrapes" as well as new frames if required.

so, based on what the analyser tells you, when you actually see the aircraft based on your normal spotting via RadarBox, you simply click on the reg in the analyser screen and the frame is automatically logged within Aerodata - I re-iterate that it only lists required frames and doesn't give the facility to capture everything seen in a "session" - to enable this type of log to be kept. you'd have to modify the normal RB log.

In simple terms, it gets rid of the "mass panic" of attempting not to miss sight of anything your RB picks up, by concentrating only on new frames!!!

I've gone on long enough!!

Please pm me with any more detailed questions

If you've already got Aerodata, then you will not believe how much impact the analyser has - it's fantastic and perfectly compliments RadarBox

They (Aerodata) also provide a similar add-on for SBS too

GeoT makes a very good point as to the issues with the RB database and its current inaccuracies - however, by using the analyser, I have made many useful edits to the RB database by using info from the analyser.

Guys - sorry for the long winded detail,but it's difficult to put it into a couple of paras!!

Hope this is of some use to you


« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 09:19:16 PM by Marpleman »


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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2009, 09:35:16 PM »
Thanks for that explanation Rich.  It looks like a good system, albeit not cheap :-)  I'm not really serious enough about my logs and 'seen' records to justify this, but I know that there are a lot of people out there who would find this very useful.


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Re: Aerodata Radarbox Analyser
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2009, 11:18:34 PM »
No problem!

Forgot to mention - there is a cheaper "mini" version also available that only covers a restricted sub set of aircraft types (airliners,biz,mil transports from memory called I think "Lite" or something - no doubt also on their site)

For me the full ADQ Quantum Plus is essential given the period over which I've been spotting

