I've started a separate thread for this, although it's also relevant to the Future Developments thread given the stated aim of providing compatibility with the corresponding SBS/BaseStation socket output, so that applications designed for the latter will also work seamlessly with RadarBox.
Firstly, examples of the current output (spacing added to improve legibility):
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:15:05.984,2009/06/19,06:20:05.984,,18225,390,097,51.4870,-1.9225,-2432,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,1, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:15:17.421,2009/06/19,06:20:17.421,BAW4J,17750,381,097,51.4854,-1.9028,-2496,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:22:06.140,2009/06/19,06:27:06.140,BAW4J,16000,365,090,51.3102,-0.8433,0,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:22:22.406,2009/06/19,06:27:22.406,BAW4J,15875,360,091,51.3098,-0.8001,-448,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:22:32.171,2009/06/19,06:27:32.171,BAW4J,15800,357,091,51.3095,-0.7739,-576,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:22:46.031,2009/06/19,06:27:46.031,BAW4J,15700,357,091,51.3090,-0.7430,-576,4244,0,0,0,0
MSG,3, 0, 0,4006B3, 0,2009/06/19,06:24:31.562,2009/06/19,06:29:31.562,BAW4J,15000,321,091,51.3056,-0.4856,0,4244,0,0,0,0
ID ,,64,522,4006B3,1509068,2009/06/19,07:12:42.992,2009/06/19,07:12:42.992,BAW4J
And here's a somewhat edited/updated version of the documentation on the socket output format from the sticky on the Kinetic forum:
Four types of messages are currently output. They are:
This message is broadcast when the SBS-1 picks up a signal for an aircraft that it isn't currently tracking, i.e. it's when a new aircraft appears on the right-hand aircraft list.
It doesn't mean new aircraft in the sense of an aircraft that wasn't previously in the database.
Field 1: AIR
Field 2: [null]
Field 3: System-generated SessionID
Field 4: System-generated AircraftID
Field 5: HexIdent
Field 6: System-generated FlightID (N.B. not callsign)
Field 7: Date message generated
Field 8: Time message generated
Field 9: Date message logged
Field 10: Time message logged
Because this is a real-time message, fields 7/9 and 8/10 will have the same value.
This message is broadcast when a callsign is first received, or changes.
Field 1: ID
Field 2: [null]
Field 3: System-generated SessionID
Field 4: System-generated AircraftID
Field 5: HexIdent
Field 6: System-generated FlightID
Field 7: Date message generated
Field 8: Time message generated
Field 9: Date message logged
Field 10: Time message logged
Field 11: Callsign
Because this is a real-time message, fields 7/9 and 8/10 will have the same value.
This is broadcast when the user changes the selection, although because of the way the grid works, it is possible that this might also fire when new aircraft are added (with the values staying the same).
Field 1: SEL
Field 2: [null]
Field 3: System-generated SessionID
Field 4: System-generated AircraftID
Field 5: HexIdent
Field 6: System-generated FlightID
Field 7: Date message generated
Field 8: Time message generated
Field 9: Date message logged
Field 10: Time message logged
Field 11: Callsign
Because this is a real-time message, fields 7/9 and 8/10 will have the same value.
Flight ID is the database ID of the record for the flight that the aircraft is currently making.
This is basically a delayed (5 minutes) outputting of every message received from the aircraft.
Field 1: MSG
Field 2: Transmission Type
Field 3: System-generated SessionID
Field 4: System-generated AircraftID
Field 5: HexIdent
Field 6: System-generated FlightID
Field 7: Date message generated
Field 8: Time message generated
Field 9: Date message logged
Field 10: Time message logged
Field 11: Callsign
Field 12: Altitude
Field 13: GroundSpeed
Field 14: Track
Field 15: Lat
Field 16: Long
Field 17: VerticalRate
Field 18: Squawk
Field 19: Alert
Field 20: Emergency
Field 21: SPI
Field 22: IsOnGround
However, it gets a bit more complicated, as you will see if you look in the log files, because not all messages set all fields. Basically, you have to look at field 2, the TransmissionType. This can have the following values:
1 = ID Message (1090ES DF17 or ELS DAP)
2 = Surface Position Message (1090ES DF17)
3 = Airborne Position Message (1090ES DF17)
4 = Airborne Velocity Message (1090ES DF17)
5 = Surveillance Altitude Message (DF4, DF20)
6 = Surveillance ID (Squawk) Message (DF5, DF21)
8 = All-Call Reply/TCAS Acquisition Squitter (DF11)
These messages have values in the following fields:
IDMessage: Callsign
Surface Position Message: Altitude, GroundSpeed, Track, Lat, Long
Airborne Position Message: Altitude, Lat, Long, Alert, Emergency, SPI
Airborne Velocity Message: GroundSpeed, Track, VerticalRate
Surveillance Altitude Message: Altitude, Alert, SPI
Surveillance ID (Squawk) Message: Altitude, Squawk, Alert, Emergency, SPI
All-Call Reply: None at the moment
Over to you, AirNav !