Tarbat, I hoped you sorted the list by "Callsign". Herwith I sent send you some "highlighted" exemples from the list I sent. Hope you understand now.
Okay, I see the problem, but I don't see the same problem in my logs. Do your local timeouts definately still add up to 15mins? Any chance the timeout settings didn't get saved?
In your SQL, you need to replace "SELECT" with "SELECT DISTINCT", and remove the line Flights.StartTime
This is the SQL I use for my daily report:
SELECT DISTINCT Aircraft.Registration AS "Reg"
Flights.Callsign AS "Flight ID"
Flights.Route AS "Route"
Aircraft.AircraftTypeSmall AS "ICAO Type"
Aircraft.Airline AS "Airline"
Aircraft.AircraftTypeLong AS "Aircraft"
substr(Flights.EndTime,1,16) AS "Flight Ended"
Flights.StartAltitude AS "Start Alt"
Flights.EndAltitude AS "End Alt"
Flights.MsgCount AS "Count"
Aircraft.ModeS AS "Mode S"
FROM Aircraft LEFT OUTER JOIN Flights ON (Aircraft.ModeS=Flights.ModeS)
WHERE ((date('now','-1 day') = substr(Aircraft.LastTime,1,4)||"-"||substr(Aircraft.LastTime,6,2)||"-"||substr(Aircraft.LastTime,9,2)) AND (Flights.StartTime IS NULL)) OR ((date('now','-1 day') = substr(Flights.EndTime,1,4)||"-"||substr(Flights.EndTime,6,2)||"-"||substr(Flights.EndTime,9,2))) OR ((date('now','-1 day') = substr(Flights.StartTime,1,4)||"-"||substr(Flights.StartTime,6,2)||"-"||substr(Flights.StartTime,9,2)))
ORDER BY Aircraft.Registration,Flights.EndTime,Aircraft.ModeS