Just been away with my RB and SBS and compared the 2 with no internet connection. Basically they both pick up the same number of contacts even though not always the same ones but I have found this with 2 sbs next to each other. Aircraft plotted more readily on the SBS though and it keeps the data and plot until the timeout where the RB will not.This is a feature I think needs changing...keep plot and height data etc until the timeout.
I know the database is changing but dont know what features yet. SBS writes each new contact to the database and these can be populated later using the excellent GAS populate program or manually,where RB dosent write them to the database so I've had to note these down and add them all manually which is not a good feature...hope it changes.
You've already mentioned the changes that have been made but I would urge you to make the display interface more user changable such as choosing column width (HP-1234CMP dosent fit in the reg column) and as someone else mentioned, changing the order of the columns..great idea.
Please also include the option to use picture space for an expanded aircraft list.
I've mentioned before that SBS has an "interested " column which can be used to highlight an aircraft of interest and sort the list by it. If you did this and then used it with the alert function that would be a great feature.
The SBS database,at the moment ,towers above the RB in terms of user friendlyness. You can edit on screen, add data easly and see historical sessions all very nicely and I hope the new database copies this.
What I would still love to know is if I will be able to use my SBS SQL database,with modification/conversion with the new RB database. Thsi would move the RB above and beyond the SBS.
Overall, because of the SBS database and its contents, the SBS is still, for me the better tool but only a few new features and this all changes.At this point I have to add the contents of the database are down purely to the individual user and the work they put in to get it populated accurately. I really do hope this is the case because I think the RB has the potential to be the best product out there so please get it right.
Many thanks
ps Back from SoCal and the fires so best wishes to all the San Diego based Airnav staff