That's a hell of a total...
Hi Glyn,
This is the total of ALL the hits made to RB in 24h and also where logged in "MyLog". The selection critirium for my report is "Starttime" with the selected date "Like" the date of yesterday. So, when an a/c was heard by my RB more then one time a day (p.e. in my case much KLM a/c) in different flights, all that different flights are included. That is why I am talking about "aircraft-movings" and NOT about "individuel logs".
You can see that in my attached file from last Sunday. If you sort this file on "Callsign" and "Regi" you will see the results of what I mean and see that one Regi made more than one flight that day.
I hope I made my self clear to you, if not please ask again and I will give it an other try.
Thank you for your interest!