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Author Topic: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)  (Read 101188 times)

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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #105 on: October 12, 2007, 05:02:15 AM »
Hi Paul,

that doesn't sound good. Maybe you had a power failure and something with the firmware crashed?

I don't know US Robotics Router, but maybe a hard reset would help?

Maybe you find help here: or better choose the right router model from the support menu.

Hope it helps,



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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #106 on: October 14, 2007, 05:35:06 PM »
I've a couple of .dab files in the map. names are: D001.dab, D001C.dab, D003.dab D004.dab and D010.dab


The only way I could stop the thumbnail pictures appearing was to remove the D001.dab file.  As you have this file, again I do not know why you cannot see the thumbnails.

I have 8 .dab files in the AirNav RadarBox 2007/Data/ directory.  Not sure what you mean when you say the "map"


Do you think that you might have deleted some files?


No, I do not have deleted any file. What I see now is that If I select "download 1 photo" and do not select "download 2 photo's" then the problem exist when I start the program next time.

Another question: How can I set a map as a default map??? I've selected a map, but anytime I start the program again, a map from a place elswhere in the world is opened.


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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2007, 06:02:53 PM »
No, I do not have deleted any file. What I see now is that If I select "download 1 photo" and do not select "download 2 photo's" then the problem exist when I start the program next time.

Another question: How can I set a map as a default map??? I've selected a map, but anytime I start the program again, a map from a place elswhere in the world is opened.

So Henk, the problem all along was that you didn't have "Download 2 photos" selected?  This was discussed at the very beginning of the thread.


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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2007, 06:15:23 PM »
Excuse me that you have written something about the photoproblem and I did not check that first. But I don't understand it now....

But for my information: Is it anytime required to have the 2 boxes checked in relation to the photo-download (also If you like only to show 1 photo)?????

Second, could you please answer my second question:

How can I set a current map as a default map??




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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #109 on: October 14, 2007, 06:50:06 PM »
Excuse me that you have written something about the photoproblem and I did not check that first. But I don't understand it now....

But for my information: Is it anytime required to have the 2 boxes checked in relation to the photo-download (also If you like only to show 1 photo)?????

Second, could you please answer my second question:

How can I set a current map as a default map??




Yes, there is a bug which means you MUST have "Download 2 photos" selected, otherwise NO photos download.

If you deselect  "Download 2 photos", you will see a single photo if photos for that aircraft have been downloaded earlier, but no new photos will be downloaded.

You can save your current map as the default - see page 10 paragraph 6 of the manual:

6. Save your map by going to the Map/Open-Save/Save Map. Answer YES to "Are you sure you want to overwrite your default map?"  This map will be the map that will always be shown when the application is started.

All the best



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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #110 on: October 15, 2007, 09:42:12 PM »

thanks for your help again.

I see now that if I am running the program the whole pc crashes on a certain time. I don't know what it is. I've tried to check what the cause is of this problem. It gives also a crash when I only run the RB on my pc. Sometimes it crashes after a few minutes and sometimes after a couple of hours... then the pc restart

I'm a Vista user (I always start as administator)
I've a quite new pc (1,80 Ghz; 2046 MB RAM)
I;m using the newest version of the software and the newest firmware

Do you have some tips or are you known with this problem??


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1.3 Problum
« Reply #111 on: October 17, 2007, 08:37:30 PM »
Downloaded the new version (1.3) and installed it then updated the RadarBox  and every thing is working just Fine. However, I have a few questions.

Version 1.3 displays more information then version 0.0 (My software had no version number) but some things seem to be missing. It now displays the altitude but not the heading, lat and long on most lights. Doesn’t the altitude come from the mode S transponder like the other information or is that a function of some ground-based computer?

I only get the lat and long on some flights (UPS, NW, FDX mostly.) I get the squawk only on about 40% of the aircraft that are listed. For example; right now I have 11 flights listed, all but one of them have the altitude,  2 of them have the squawk code, no ground speed, heading or lat, long on any of them. Nothing on the radar screen, or altitude display.

Is this normal? Or do I have a problem with my settings?

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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #112 on: October 17, 2007, 08:51:21 PM »
Hi n7snu,

I assume you have upgraded from Version 1. If so yes it is normal. Only ADS-B enabled aircraft will display all data (heading, lat, lon etc..). Aircraft with only Mode-S will only show altitude (and squawk, flight id, modes)

In the US there are about 30-40% aircraft which have ADS-B however this is expanding everyday.

Hope that helps.
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Firmware Upgrade 1.3 Failure
« Reply #113 on: October 22, 2007, 09:09:32 AM »
Dear Airnav Team,

I did not pay attention to this forum for quite some time because I simply did not find time to play with beta releases... and being frustrated all the time...

However, today I thought I will install version 1.3 in order to be able to use my Radarbox.
So I downloaded and upgraded as advised.

I uninstalled the old version 1.0. Installed version 1.3, copied the Firmware Updater into the Radarbox folder, uninstalled the old drivers and reinstalled the new drivers. Double clicked the Firmware Updater...

However, the firmware update failed.
It told me connecting to Radarbox... but nothing happened.
So I rebooted my machine. After the reboot it asked me to update the driver again.
But it does not show "Airnav Radarbox" anymore, it asks for USB <->Serial Converter.
When I point to the Airnav driver path, it can not find the correct drivers.

I assume, the firmware update caused the firmware to be erased out of the Radarbox and now it can not find the correct hardware anymore.

Please advise.


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Re: Firmware Upgrade 1.3 Failure
« Reply #114 on: October 22, 2007, 09:29:13 AM »
Contact support via a support ticket. It sounds like this is a RTB (Return to Base) case.

We have a quick return time, so if you send it us this week you should get it back within a couple of working days.
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Re: AirNav RadarBox 2007 - Patch 1 Released (Version 1.3)
« Reply #115 on: October 23, 2007, 06:38:01 AM »
Any news from the development team how my box can be flushed with a complete firmware again (without returning the box)?

Is a full firmware updater available?