did somebody record this flight on radarbox?
Yes, I did.
But first and for all I would like to let you know I totaly agree with the declaration made by AirNav Support about this crash.
Here the data logged in "My log":
ModeS: 4BA8E5
Registration: TC-JGE
A/C Type: B738
A/C Name: Boeing 737-8F2
ModeSCountry: Turkey
Callsign: THY1951
MsgCount: 587
Starttime: 2009/02/25 10:00:14
Endtime: 2009/02/25 10:31:03
StartAltitude: 36000
EndAltitude: 450
StartGS: 390
EndGS: 100
StartPosition: N51 46.7 E007 45.8
EndPosition: N52 23.0 E004 42.8
Note: the "Endtime" is the same time as given up by the Dutch authoritys as AOG time.