We all have different views of the level of interest to be found with a slightly technical hobby!
"Wise words" that should seize our "discussion" gentlemen, hope you think about as I do.
Finally, it's not at all "commercial equipment" that we are talking about, halfway between such and consumer's one if you agree.
Maybe a "last word" concerning a preamp Brian: "being in virtual radar business" since about more than two years, I would recommend running RB without any preamp first of all, if the feeder cable does not exceed a lenght of about 10 to 12 meters, (provided high quality low loss Coax [like f.i. the "Ecoflex 10", roughly inserting about 1,2db of attenuation at the mentioned length and at frequencies it is about]) and then "see what happens". As "we techies" (my apalogizes to all "non t....") know: "a good antenna uses to be the best RF amplifier", and even the best RF preamp cannot get rid of obstacles in the vicinity, that attenuate radiosignals travelling under "line of sight conditions", as, among others, a/c transponder signals too do.
So again: "seize fire", and let's see what's coming next.