Hi all
My name is theo, living in the netherlands.
reading sometime now on both forums (airnav/SBS1) to compare the 2 boxes.
I'm consider to by one of the 2 radarboxes that been availible at this moment
I don't know wich it gonna bee at the moment but my trust in the sbs1 decrease's every day
Wel let me tel you.
Sinds a couple of days i'm a goldmember of the dutch site called ATCBox.
maybe some of you know this site, anyway its possible for goldmembers to watch live
footage of the sbs1 radarbox and the airnav radarbox.
Now its hard to compare the 2 boxes because the airnav has a limit of 5 min.
and the one that stream it dissabled/enabled the stream to his needs, so you cannot compare
the 2 for real
so i focust on the sbs1 this week, and i noticed some strange things .
1. when i look outside and spot a plaine (sometimes 3 at he same moment),
and i look to the ATC radarbox, (streaming the sbs1)most of the time it show's no picture's of plaines nearby,
and if it does show a plain in the area on the stream and i go look outside i see nothing.
this gives me the feeling of none live (realtime) footage
sometimes it is showing the right data, but this is a 2 out of 10 hit.
Must say that the stream of helmond is more acurate for possitioning the planes then the variable stream
question.. is the sbs1 not acurate?, and therefore not real live (i must figure this out), or is
it software (firmware)related.
2. sometimes it shows a plaine on the radar and i see actualy 1 outside, butt
on the radarscreen it shows to far to the west of me, this give me the feeling
that the layout isn't correct, but when i look to eham the layout is correct even with a overlay of a google map.
3. Another strange thing, i spotted 2 plaines pasing eachother, on the leftside,on the radar it
showing they where passing on the rightside, why show's it wrong??
anyway for the airnav i have no remarks because i don't have seen this in realtime, but
if this box does the same as the sbs1, it gonna be non of these boxes
hope the airnav is more acurate then his competition....
Ps it is not my intention to pull down the sbs box, i'm only telling what is see and
what i think for so far