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Author Topic: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?  (Read 35133 times)

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #45 on: December 30, 2008, 05:29:05 PM »
We are not sure why you are experiencing certain issues, what is your pc time set to and is it considerbly out of sync? Also what are your timeout settings?

My PC time is the correct time as the atomic clock on my desk

Time outs are Local 60/60  Network 90/180


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #46 on: December 30, 2008, 05:31:52 PM »
After some extensive testing this afternoon, I can also confirm that I now see the same bahaviour on some aircraft.  The aircraft doesn't appear in the Network tab even after waiting 30 minutes.  Un-check the hardware flights box, and the aircraft then appears.

Thankyou for testing this Tarbat they may listen to you. I have switched the Network off for the time being.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 05:39:51 PM by AirNav Support »


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2008, 05:38:20 PM »
OK chaps, lets keep this professional shall we ;-)

If there is a problem then I'm sure AirNav will look into it.  Keep your hair on DC, it's a hobby not a matter of life and death.

Now, if I was being asked to provide a control service, then I might get a bit more excited :-0

AirNav Support

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2008, 05:38:40 PM »

Firstly please stop making assumptions so quickly a few of you love to quickly develop your own theory about the RB workings. It does not help but causes more confusion.

We will look into issues in this, if you have any issues which are related or can help us find the cause please email support direct.


We have been here many times with yourself, but in this case your quote was wrong and we have explained the details. You didn't understand our last post which proves why the network is complex and how your simple quote goes nowhere near the complexity of the network. We are not going to answer the rest of your post as the same items have been replied to you before.

Once again to all, we are a company which listens and takes advice and learns and rectifys issues.

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2008, 05:53:38 PM »
I have no theory about Radarbox working I was just reporting an issue I had come across tracking flights from local to Network

I think the information I provided this morning at the begining of the thread should help.

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #50 on: December 30, 2008, 05:58:00 PM »
It wasn't your theory Blackthorn :) Its perfectly fine reporting an issue.

Problem comes when certain customers don't understand the complexity behind the software and start making assumptions and trying to make things look so simple. Its not the case, if it was everything would be perfect :)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 06:22:12 PM by AirNav Support »
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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #51 on: December 30, 2008, 06:45:42 PM »
Hi  AirNav ,
I am a customer having the same problems .
I started a thread on that on Nov 10th ( you can  search on  "  dan " ) .
I have  tried it on 3 different PC's .  2  running under Windows XP  and another on Windows Vista . Changed my computer time to UTC  to be in the same time zone as where the transfert to Network should  be happening . Also tried different Time Out settings.The only workaround is to uncheck " Process Hardware Flight" on  My Flights and than check it on again . Only then I can see the flight(s)  being transfert to Network .
On the other hand no problems with  transferts from Network to local My Flights.
I am confident Airnav will come up with a solution.
Happy Newyear to all.


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #52 on: December 30, 2008, 08:57:11 PM »
Followed   RYR4AT (LIRA-EIDW) .  Lost local at 1945utc  near DET VOR .  .
Not  appearing  on Network after waiting for more than 30 mins  even  it was crossing a dense covered Network area    (London area) .  In the meantime Following the flight on  Live Flight tracker
At  2025utc  ( 40 mins after ) unchecked  'Process Hardware flights "  and   RYR4AT  appears on my  Network Flights somewhere over the Irish sea.   PC time set to UTC. Time Out  local  60/60. Time Out Network  90/180 .
There is surely a problem here but why only to a few customers??
Best Rgds

AirNav Support

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #53 on: December 30, 2008, 08:58:37 PM »
As mentioned in the post please contact support with your details rather than posting in the forum as its easier for us to track and log.
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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2008, 09:25:56 PM »
Hmm, well I finally got to read all of this after a day long absence, I didn't expect to start a thread which has lead to such a lot of aerated discussion.

The way I see it, this looks to me like some kind of time zone related problem with server provided data, it's generally harder to get this right in Windows than it is in Unix operating systems. All of my computers are all time synchronised using ntp, in theory their clocks are accurate to tens of microseconds.

Rather than asking for unverified observations, may I suggest that Airnav consider providing a debug version of the software that can store track data from the local receiver and the network together with local and server timestamps so that the relationship between the different data can be analysed? I know that this involves some work, but in the end it will make it easier to get accurate debugging done and make for simpler bug fixing.

As regards the 5 minute delay, I'll have to search for and read what has been said before. It is often the case that the powers that be in various countries don't actually analyse the things they are trying to prevent happening properly, and so they enforce restrictions that are of no actual use. Under the cover of "security", discussion is suppressed and the obscurity thus generated appears useful to the uninitiated but is often found to be useless when people able to analyse the situation correctly get involved. It will be instructive to determine whether this is the case for this situation.

AirNav Support

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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2008, 09:33:25 PM »
We do have debug versions but they are only sent out to specific beta customers.

Regarding the delay, its well known that many sites tried to broadcast the Live ATC feeds in the UK and they were all shutdown and threatened with law suits. We would not want to get into that area.
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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2008, 09:53:37 PM »
We do have debug versions but they are only sent out to specific beta customers.

Regarding the delay, its well known that many sites tried to broadcast the Live ATC feeds in the UK and they were all shutdown and threatened with law suits. We would not want to get into that area.

OK on the debug versions, well perhaps a general feature that allows capturing of all track data with local and network timestamps, and other useful information would be a handy thing to have, but with the setting to enable it buried deeply so you really have to be really determined to use it.

Interesting about the threats of lawsuits, who exactly was making these threats?


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2008, 09:55:37 PM »
If they were shutdown and threatened with lawsuits it sounds like it would be the UK Government, regarding the security of flights again.


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2008, 09:59:58 PM »
If they were shutdown and threatened with lawsuits it sounds like it would be the UK Government, regarding the security of flights again.

I suppose it could be, I wondered if it might be NATS claiming that all such data is under their copyright.

Never fails to amaze me that there are these noisy things flying about in plain sight and somehow it is thought that pretending they are somewhere slightly different changes their security situation.

Seems I'm just a cynical old inquisitive Hector.....


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Re: Live reception/network reception - what happens at the join?
« Reply #59 on: December 31, 2008, 07:38:54 PM »
An interesting thread and my own experiments this afternoon confirm what seems to be the majority view.

Aircraft coming into My Flights range from Network will appear automatically much as forecast and expected.
However, aircraft leaving My Flights range will NOT appear on Network unless and until Process Hardware has been unticked.
Presumably stopping/re-starting hardware flights wipes a memory, which is no big deal for me but I can see how it could annoy some.