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Author Topic: About aircrafts thumbnails  (Read 3268 times)

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About aircrafts thumbnails
« on: December 23, 2008, 04:01:49 PM »
As you noticed it, many pics of contacted aircraft show us the
cockpit, or a plane detail. It would be better if it depict the
whole aircraft, wouldn't it?

And also, the trouble is, with military aircrafts, most of them have
a totally wrong pic (for example, a Breguet Atlantique pic stand
at a Falcon 50 place, for French Air Force, the mistakes are

So, I decided to make  my own thumbnail database.
When the number of aircrafts will be high enough, I put it
on the download section of my website.
I begin with all mistakes discovered at home, but if you have
some errors in mind, let me know after this message.

It will be my Xmas for the forum ;)
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