Planning on buying an external what would one recommend. I am looking at the Radar Extender -v- the Radar Rama which one is recommend. Hope someone can help - thanks - Mick
I have bought a RadarRama, but not yet erected it.
The two are roughly comparable, note that the gain of the larger antenna is achieved by narrowing the vertical radiation pattern (so the "doughnut" shape of the 3D radiation pattern is thinner but of a larger outer diameter) which means it is a little more optimised for the horizontal and so less good at receiving signals that are at an angle above the horizon. How big this effect is I can't say for sure. It's probably not that large, but will be affected by the surroundings, so that's another reason to get the antenna clear of local obstructions if you can.
The Radar Extender is quite big and more conspicuous, that might be important if your neighbours are a bit awkward and don't like what they perceive as visual "blights" on their view!