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Author Topic: Network and Hardware Problems  (Read 19979 times)

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Network and Hardware Problems
« on: July 25, 2007, 09:39:17 AM »
Has anybody had Network problems or coincidence of the 2 as i have had network shutdown which in turn closes the RB Hardware connection this is getting frustrating as it seens to happen just when something is in range for me to see .
Also the network is not giving a precise location of aircraft as they seem to jump all over the place. See Picture added  EI-DCF is located above me but even after update its still there at 400kts i doubt thats the case hrdly realtime data.
I am inclined to switch the network off and rely on the Antenna Signal which seems more accurate.
Does anybody else suffer from this problem and also is Airnav addressing this issue with the update that is pending

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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 09:56:04 AM »
No problems other than the Network going off line occasionally (last night for about an hour).  The harware connection failure is a known problem and if you do a serach on the Forum you will be able to read about this.  My desktop PC looses the hardware connection regularly, but the laptop has never lost connection.  AirNav know that this is a problem and are working on it.  Can you try RB on anther PC?

Regarding the Network contacts jumping about, have you tried deselecting the flight path vector which makes the picture look really cluttered.  The option is at File/Preferences/Draw 5 minute flight vector path.

These vectors are always going to jump around as they are only a rough estimate of where the aircraft will be in 5 minutes, and as the aircraft turns, this will change by a large amount.

EI-DCF is in Grey so it looks like it has timed out.  Once RB is no longer getting information either as a live track or a network track, the aircraft label will go grey and the aircraft will stop moving on the map.  The settings you have in File/Preferences/RadarBox/ for Seconds to Timeout and Minutes to Hide will affect this.  I find that the default settings are far too long, and I have them set at 30 seconds and 1 minute.

Give this a try and see what you think.


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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2007, 10:04:56 AM »
I will try what you suggest also it does only happen on my desktop pc my laptop is fine and the connection is without the network as i tend to take it to a friends house My laptop is far better and less failure problems.


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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2007, 10:12:46 AM »

All noted.  There is another issue which AirNav is working on which is the priority given to live data verses network data.  in your picture, as EI-DCF is overhead you, it should be a live track and not a network track and then it wouldn't timeout in that position.  However, RB doesn't always seem to be transferring to the live data when a network track gets within range of your receiver.  AirNav has a fix for this which should be rolled out when they issue the next version of RB sometime soon.

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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 04:37:55 AM »
This has already been explained on other topics. It is a known bug and it already corrected on patch 1. We are just waiting for an external company to have a software component finished and patch 1 will be out: faster, more robust and with the new SmartView feature.


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Blackouts in my maps - softwareproblem
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 05:37:19 AM »
I have Blackouts in my maps: between 54°N and 54,8°N / 13°E  there is a kind of corridor in the Baltic Sea where all flight paths have a blackout. This seems to me like a kind of software bug. The same applies to a small corridor between England and Scotland same days ago. Please check the enclosed pictures from different nights for exact details. I see the planes flying towards there, lose their signals over the “Bermuda Triangle” and then see them appear again behind the corridor with their codes. This is a software-problem.
My another blackout in the pictures is a natural-problem - shadows from mountains: from Berlin in 150km southwest direction is the Brocken. That’s okay.
Today I see, the same blackout is in the south from Portugal between 
36°N und 36° 37’N  / 9°W and in France between 48°N - 48°50’N / 9°E .

Best regards

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« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 07:41:10 AM by berlin »


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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 06:21:04 AM »
in addition to my first message

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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 08:26:57 AM »
in addition to my first message


How did you produce these pictures with the trails to show the blank areas?  This looks more like an SBS-1 picture with all trails set to never fade.  Is there such a function with RB, or have you used another utility to do this?

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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2007, 12:31:30 PM »
Hi berlin,

Can you confirm aircraft appear in those areas but its just the trails which disappear in those areas?
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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2007, 04:31:50 PM »
I also have blackouts . On the 15.25utc screenshot there are 5 flights northbound that won't go any further. At 15.26 DLH 410 now appears at NCL . The final screenshot is another example of about 5 flights northbound that will not go past this point on the map.   These are hardware flights only.

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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2007, 04:51:12 PM »
Hi Greeny,

I don't think your issue is related. Its likely its to do with your line of sight and whether there were any sudden changes in atmospheric conditions during that time period.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2007, 05:20:16 PM »
Hi Greeny,

I don't think your issue is related. Its likely its to do with your line of sight and whether there were any sudden changes in atmospheric conditions during that time period.

Hope that helps.
I wouldn't think it was line of sight or ' sudden changes in atmospherics ' . After using SBS for 2 years with same aerial, pre-amp etc. I've a good idea where I can reach. I usually lose nothbounds just before Dean Cross & just past NCL on the east. I can also see right out into North Sea on SBS which I have never seen on RB.

Back to RB. On some of the descending flights that have stopped plotting on the map I can see the FL counting down.


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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2007, 05:25:34 PM »
Hi Brian,

Ok we will have a look at yours as well, however its not as clear cut as Berlins ones that's why we are hesitant that's its affecting your setup.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Network and Hardware Problems
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2007, 05:37:42 PM »
Hi Brian,

Ok we will have a look at yours as well, however its not as clear cut as Berlins ones that's why we are hesitant that's its affecting your setup.

Hope that helps.

OK,thanks. I forgot to point out that the coverage of RB is equal more or less to SBS except the N NE area mentioned.



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Blackouts in my maps
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2007, 05:13:48 PM »
> Can you confirm aircraft appear in those areas but its just the trails
> which disappear in those areas?

@AirNav Support:

No, within those blackout areas there are even no aircrafts appearing on the screen. Neither aircraft nor their trails or vectors are displayed within those areas - the whole flight stops moving when entering the 'no display zone' and appears again when leaving the area on the other side.

Enclosed you can find a zip file with screenshots of 30 minutes where you can see several aircrafts approaching the blackout area, then the icons stop moving and a few minutes later the aircraft appears again on the other side of the area and the rest of the flight is displayed correctly until it is out of sight.

There is also another screenshot (dated Jul 27) where you can clearly see more blackout areas all like "belt" from East to West. They are clearly not resulting from any 'shadows' or something behind some mountains! Besides from the known area north of Germany in the Baltic Seay ou can clearly see those areas south of Paris reaching west into the Atlantic Ocean (some old trails are still displayed there), in the northwest of Spain at the Portuguese border and south of Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean and on the same latitude north of Crete!
Those records are mixed from my own RB and the internet.

I have also noticed several times now (different days with different propagation) that the maximum displayed distance of my own received RB signals is 280nm or 500km. This could be a software bug as well?!

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« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 05:39:32 PM by berlin »