G'day all from Peter in Sydney (AU)
I have been using the RadarBox for 10 days and generaly speaking I find it quite good.
As an AirNavSuite4 and AirNav Decoder user I mainly wanted the RadarBox (or SBS-1) so I could log those aircraft that don't use acars. This means I can now log Virgin Blue, Virgin Atlantic, British AW, Cathay, R.Brunei MasKargo etc., and the commuter a/c plus the odd military.
I have already posted a few 'gripes' these being the Report Generator and Contact times (UTC). These are both caused by the system using UTC times (we are 10 hrs ahead of GMT).
When generating a report it picks up 'today' as anything from midnight (UTC) so all the logs for the 'previous' day are not picked up. I get round this by producing 2 reports then editing them into one so I can post reports to spotters groups.
It would be nice to be able to set the time as local.
Other problems I am finding is that not all a/c that appear on My Flights end up in My Log, not many, but probably 10 a day in my case.
The refresh problem mentioned in in other posts needs looking at as some a/c stay in My Flights well past the time set by me (5 mins) moving the mouse over to the map jogs it sometimes but not always. (clicking Show All usually fixes the problem)
I have moved the aerial about 10 times with mixed results. The best results were on day 1 when it just sat on my desk.
I stuffed up by having to 'splice' an extension (lack of SMA connnectors locally) so probably have a slight loss in signal strength but still only get a/c that are within 20-30 miles from home. (sorry, used to acars with a big VHF aerial)
It now sits in the gutter (on the plate provided) as I was missing out on the early morning arrivals for some reason so tomorrow morning will be the test.
Hopefully the upgrade will fix most of the major issues raised in this forum.