Yes, I understand what you are saying and I'm not being at all critical - I'm just a bit bemused by it.
So, the attribute CH, if populated, shows it's route info recently downloaded and stored on the local table and this is up to date information from some server or other. I get that.
If a route already exists in the local table and has no entry in CH then how exactly does RB handle it
Should it look to a server and write the up to date route and populate CH ?
Should it ignore the route as it's already known to the local table
The most confusing thing is it was displaying a route neither fom a server nor what was actually in the local table.
I don't dispute that your London based box is doing things correctly but here is evidence that mine, and maybe others, aren't.
When you say 'using the online database' is this what we all access when we are internet connected and is it consulted for both local and networked traffic ?