Well, we've got V2.0 and its silhouettes. Personally I find them a bit boring, most of them look pretty much alike. So I've been having a play, and come up with some alternatives, based on photos, as in the two examples below.
If you would like to try them, just do a backup copy of the Data/Silhouettes folder (you may prefer the originals after you've tried mine!) and unzip the two zips (one in this post, one in the following post due to forum size restrictions) into that folder, overwriting the existing files.
I'm personally not convinced that I want the silhouettes column at all, even with my own pics in it, but it's possibly worth a try.
There are a lot left to do, and it's open to imaginative use - do add your own work to this thread if you like the idea.
AirNav have said that the maximum size is 68 pixels width (x 16 pixels high), but the column is currently wide enough for 80px pictures, I've done 76 px width to be the same size as logos.
Do let me know if you like the idea.