Hi all,
A few weeks ago, i got interested in the Ubox of Lantronix after a question from GlynH in the forum here. Because of the long distance between the ideal antenna position and my computer I wanted to find a solution to connect my Radarbox in the neighbourhood of my antenna and still be able to use my computer downstairs in the livingroom. It was very difficult to place a cable from the attic to my computer and the length would be around 30 meters i guess. Maybe a little more.
I ordered a Ubox 2100. With this device you can connect a usb-device through your local network to a computer. With the special software of the Ubox, a usb-device acts like it is connected directly to your computer.
Next problem was that I still needed to have a network cable from the attic to my livingroom.
There was D-Link with a solution. The DHP-300 Powerline 200 Mbits HD Ethernet Adapter.
On the picture you can see how all is connected.
The DHP-300 is pluged in to a 230V outlet on the attic.
In my livingroom, a second DHP-300 is also pluged in to a 230V outlet and is then connected to my wireless router.
Now with the Ubox and the DHP-300, my radarbox is connected to my wireless network and even with good weather, I can sit in my garden and connect my laptop through the wireless network and enjoy the traffic above my head.
At the moment my radarbox is still connected to the standard antenna and it's placed on the attic.
You can see the result on the screenshot taken this morning.
Next thing will be an external antenna.
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