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Author Topic: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.  (Read 11512 times)

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Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« on: July 15, 2007, 02:22:20 PM »
I know that this is work in progress, however, I have a couple of questions please.

It's impossible to update the database whilst RadarBox is receiving aircraft, as the database jumps all over the place, so I deselect "Process Hardware Flights" and also "Get Flights form Network".

I can now work on the database without the records hopping around.

I insert a new record and enter the Mode S code, aircraft registration and ICAO type.

- When I enter the ordinary name of the aircraft, I cannot enter lower case characters, everything is in capitals.  How do I enter lower case?

- When I get to the link to search for the photo, I do not understand how the link is created.  It is not the aircraft registration, nor is it the Mode S code.  How can I set up the link to find the photo?

Edit: I see now that this is populated automatically if there is a picture available.  The first 2 manual enties I put into the database didn't have a photo on which is why nothing appeared.

- Lastly, is there any way that I can edit the database outside of RadarBox?  I seem to remember that the earlier AirNav databases were DB4 and could be edited with a 3rd party program.



« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 04:23:43 PM by Allocator »

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Re: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2007, 08:55:16 PM »
- When I enter the ordinary name of the aircraft, I cannot enter lower case characters, everything is in capitals.  How do I enter lower case?

We will look into this, it should let you add them in lower case. We don't have a third party software to edit it however standy on the whole database issue for the next patch.
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John Racars

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Re: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2007, 06:53:44 PM »
I insert a new record and enter the Mode S code, aircraft registration and ICAO type.Allocator

Hi Allocator,

Verry interesting. Where do you get the "Mode S code"? What will happen if you are adding a new aircraft without this code?

Thank you in advance for your reaction!
Best Regards from the Netherlands, John Racars
13 NM East of EHAM
Version: 3D - 5.00.072
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PC: Windows 7 SP 1 - 64 bit
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Re: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2007, 07:11:46 PM »

I use a utility designed for the Kinetic SBS-1, but it can be used as stand alone for looking up aircraft using their Mode S codes.

The Utility is called SBS Populate and is the product of the Gatwick Aviation Society.  Their web address is shown below (although their site seems to be down at the moment).

The best thing is that this program is FREE!

When I check my RadarBox log (or aircraft list) and see a Mode S but no registration, I run SBS Populate and use the "Single Record" option.  Type in the Mode S and hit the GAS Load button, and if the aircraft in in the GAS database, you will see the details.  You can then use RB Database Explorer to add the record (with live and network data switched off to stop the table jumping).  You must have the Mode S code to use SBS Populate, and this is always picked up and shown by RB.

This is all a bit slow, but maybe somebody will develop an automated version for RB.  When you use SBS Populate with the SBS-1, you can set it to automatically populate the database when unknown aircraft are picked up - no hands - very good.

I'm sure that there are lists of Mode S on the web, but it's better to just put the Registrations in the RB database that are missing from their database.  I know that AirNav are looking to improve their data handling, so maybe they will provide an update system.


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Re: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2007, 01:33:50 PM »
Allocator, just tried this for first time today...  What a nightmare..........!!

This has to be a priority fix in next release patch :(

For my 2p (or 2c) worth you need to be able to double click on the contact in Interface and be able to edit directly, in both MyFlights and MyLog.
Cornwall, UK


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Re: Manual Updating of the Aircraft Database.
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2007, 02:43:39 PM »
Allocator, just tried this for first time today...  What a nightmare..........!!

This has to be a priority fix in next release patch :(

For my 2p (or 2c) worth you need to be able to double click on the contact in Interface and be able to edit directly, in both MyFlights and MyLog.

Yes Dave, when I said "this is all a bit slow" ..............

Having had the luxury of SBS Populate has spoiled me I'm afraid, but it would be nice to be able to update the RB database "on the fly".