How can I verify that RadarBox is receiving MLAT data from my station [EXTSHA197201]?
I see that ModeSDeco2 has a setting/option as follows:
--avrmlat arg Enable AVR MLAT output listen port (default: off)
but I'm not sure what "output listen port" value to use OR if this is even required for RB site. Please clarify.
Do NOT use setting --avrmlat. Just delete this parameter from batch file. The reason is as follows:
If you are using Radarbox24 Data Sharer, then mlat is not enabled. Same way if you are using Windows ANRB Ver 6.02.003 with FlightStick or any RTL based dongle, mlat is not enabled.
Also, I was considering routing my flight data from my Raspberry Pi running the ADSBExchange image and 2 RTL SDR's (1090 & 978) with the RadarBox site, but not sure if it's possible or how to accomplish. I enabled the FlightAware option through ADSBx, so all ADS-B, MLAT & UAT data is now being fed from the Pi to both ADSBx & FA. Please let me know if possible to also enable a RadarBox feed to another station from my ADSBx Pi setup.
You can feed Radarbox24 from ADSBExchange image by installing rbfeeder for RPi by following command:
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"
IMPORTANT: During installation of rbfeeder on RPi by above script, you will b asked if you want to
install dump978-rb [yes/no]. Please say
no as you have dump978 already installed. However I am not sure of exact setting required in file /etc/rbfeeder.ini as I have never used ADSBExchange image, but most likely it should be like below:
(1) Open config file for editing
sudo nano /etc/rbfeeder.ini
(2) Following should be correct configuration settings. If different, modify to match with what is given below.
NOTE:At bottom of rbfeeder.ini file, you will see this:
Do following
(a) Uncomment above line, i.e. remove
# from start of this line
(b) Add new line
dump978_port=30979It will now become like this:
lon= yy.yyyy
alt= zzz
#mlat_cmd=/usr/bin/python3.9 /usr/bin/mlat-client