Hi Phil, welcome to the forum!
What you are saying is essentially correct.
- RadarBox Live traffic from your own antenna is 100% live and will always be free once you have purchased your RadarBox.
- RadarBox Network traffic is all the shared data, delayed by 5 minutes. This is free for the first 12 months after you purchase your RadarBox. If you want to have access to the Network data after 12 months, then you will need to pay a subscription of approx 5 Euros per month.
- AirNav Live Flight Tracker is a software only product and updates from the internet every 30 seconds, much the same as the RadarBox Network feed. The aircraft information is "live" in that the aircraft are actually in the air, but the positions are shown where the aircraft was 5 minutes ago. Live Flight Tracker requires a subscription to see any traffic at all. The subscription varies depending on how long you want to watch each month. Edit: The Live Flight Tracker actually updates every 60 seconds, not 30 seconds.
- AirNav Live Flight Data is a professional product which gives access to the raw RadarBox and Network data. As this is aimed at professional users, like flight operations centres and airfields, it is significantly more expensive than the other options.
I hope this helps, please feel free to ask any more questions.