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Author Topic: What causes Gap between the different feeders  (Read 6742 times)

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What causes Gap between the different feeders
« on: May 08, 2021, 09:21:57 PM »
My Set up is a RTL_SDR Dongle and a PI 4 ( 8GB Ram)
i pretty much use the PI as a receiver for Planes and nothing else
I have noticed that my Airnav feeder page is slower displaying planes then the Piaware of Flight Radar or ADS-B Exchange i compared them to see how fast planes will load and Airnav seems to be the slowest
I have a PI and I had installed the Piaware via commands and then the Rest also via commands ( Airnav, FR24 and ADS-B exchange) i'm new with Linux and i pretty much had to learn by googling
Piaware seems to always be the faster to display positions
is there something or a setting i need to check on my end
from what i understand there is a main feeder and the rest are sharing connections?
i can share logs if that would help
Thanks a bunch

Runway 31

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Re: What causes Gap between the different feeders
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2021, 06:50:38 AM »
What do you mean slower displaying planes, in what way slower?  How do you load planes, in what context?

Maybe an issue with translation here making it hard for me to understand your query

« Last Edit: May 09, 2021, 07:05:10 AM by Runway 31 »


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Re: What causes Gap between the different feeders
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2021, 06:46:45 PM »
The piaware would show the plane as accurate when it will pass by my location
Airnav always have a gap in 5-10 seconds showing the plane passing by when i have the site opened and  side by side

Runway 31

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Re: What causes Gap between the different feeders
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2021, 07:41:02 PM »
Suggest you ask support
