AirNav Radar > FAQ
XRange 2
I received my XRange 2 today got no idea how to get it going need help please also i need to use it on wifi since my router is inside the house not the shack...
Regards Lino...
Runway 31:
To get wifi enabled contact [email protected]
Set up the antenna with a clear view of the sky, connect it to the receiver. Connect the receiver to the internet. Connect power to the receiver and it should start and send its data to the server for viewing on Suggest that you try it first connected by ethernet just to make sure it is working.
Also your request will be passed to an engineer who will contact the receiver remotely and make the changes so it will required to be powered up and connected to the internet to allow him to contact the receiver.
Thanks as for the anteena no problem with that i have other adsb receivers not very good with computers...
Regards Lino..
Runway 31:
Its basically plug and play for that reason
I got the XRange 2 working problem is i am unable the location to my own location...
Regards Lino...
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