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Author Topic: Display in Kiosk Mode  (Read 17829 times)

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Display in Kiosk Mode
« on: February 26, 2020, 10:14:57 AM »
I'd like to use Radarbox24 to display local traffic on a screen at our (non-profit) flying club. It would help pilots and instructors see where our aircraft are, when likely to get back, how busy the general area is. I've setup a Radarbox24 receiver using a Raspberry Pi and now looking at how best to display this.

I'd like to use a second Pi to drive a screen and have wired this up with motion detector so that it can display any webpage while anyone is in the clubhouse but blanks the display after a few minutes when nobody is there. This already works well for our bookings webpage.

The Radarbox display format is the best I've seen for all the different traffic tracking services available today - clear, clean and uncluttered - so I've love to be able to use that.

Where I struggle is finding how to fix the display so that it would be restored in the same format after a power outage/reboot. I've found it best not to leave any keyboard/mouse around (otherwise people fiddle and break the configuration), so lock it down with Chromium in so-called Kiosk Mode. Is there any way to retain the login, filter, zoom and location parameters so that this can be invoked with the same URL during the powerup sequence and simply left running for long periods?

Has anybody done this and/or got any suggestions or recommendations on how to achieve that?