I have noticed that I am unable to make MLAT work from the rbfeeder.ini on my PI
I opened up another Terminal and Ran:
/usr/bin/mlat-client --input-type dump1090 --input-connect --server mlat1.rb24.com:40900 --lat xx.xxxxxx --lon -y.yyyyyy --alt aaa --user EXTRPIZZZZZ --results beast,connect,
Substituting X,Y, Z and A for Lat, Long, Station Number, Altitude.
Within a minute or two MLAT shows in the web page, but the command window shows it quicker, Image included.
I built my PI and started with FlightAware then added Radarbox, and finally got FlightRadar in it as well.
So the same box shares to all 3. I recently also got an external antenna, this has more than doubled my range.
Hope this helps