Aircraft should have around 445623 as per my earlier email, you only have the 234518 that comes with the software so you are are 200,000 records out.
You must have another instance of the software on your computer and the download is going to it instead of your working instance.
There are a few ways of correcting this. You can use Windows search and look for all instances of NavData.db3. You will find various files starting with NavData.db3 but yu dont want any files with additional extensions, ignore those. I think you may have installed initially to Program Files and the update may have went there. Once you find the updated NavData.db3 file, drag it or copy it into the version of he software that is working and replace the NavData.db3 file that it there.
I would however suggest that you uninstall the software using the Windows Control Panel. Once the installation is uninstalled to into Program Files and delete and folders named Airnav, Check aslo in Program Files X86.
One you have deleted all traces from Program Files instal the software again using install to the root of Windows somewhere like c:/Airnav dont install to program files again.
Once you have it installed and working, download todays update and all should be well